2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

Why Do My Teeth Hurt In The Cold? Some Possible Causes And Solutions

As the temperatures drop, it’s not uncommon to experience pain and sensitivity in the teeth. Cold air and blasts of icy wind can be rough on your teeth, especially if you’re drinking hot chocolate outside. Your front teeth can change as much as 120 degrees in temperature! And just like other materials, your teeth expand and contrast as the temperature rises and falls.

Talk to your favorite dentist about this issue. In some cases, all you need is to change your toothpaste. Other times your teeth’s sensitivity is an indication of a bigger issue.

Here are some other possible reasons that your teeth hurt in the cold


Sometimes increased sensitivity is caused by cavities, especially if the infection has reached the heart of your tooth. Your dentist can perform a pulp vitality test. This test involves placing a hot or cold instrument on each tooth to see how your teeth respond to temperature changes.

Worn Enamel

Enamel is the outside layer of your teeth. If your enamel is worn due to consuming too many acidic foods, teeth grinding, or other reasons. Without the protection of your enamel, the nerves inside your tooth are more exposed, creating greater sensitivity to temperature changes.

Receding Gums

Gum recession is the process in which the margin of the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth wears away, exposing more of the tooth, or the tooth’s root. This makes it easier for feelings of hot or cold to travel to the nerves of your teeth.

Cracks In The Teeth

Little cracks can develop in the teeth for a number of possible reasons, most often due to pressure on the teeth from chewing on hard ice, cracking nuts, etc. Tiny cracks also can develop as your teeth expand and contract with exposure to hot and cold temperatures. These tiny cracks provide another pathway to the nerve, making the tooth more sensitive.

Here are some tricks you can try to reduce tooth sensitivity

Switch To A Toothpaste That’s Good For The Gums and Enamel

Eighty percent of your teeth’s sensitivity starts at the gumline, so switch to a toothpaste that’s good for the gums. Also, look for a toothpaste that delivers minerals into the enamel layer to protect your teeth from acid erosion.

Protect Your Teeth From Grinding

If you think you might be grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist about ways to protect your teeth (also see my article about teeth grinding).

Use A Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

Use gentle strokes, rather than vigorous or harsh scrubbing. Hard toothbrushes and motions wear your enamel. Stay away from abrasive toothpaste and tooth whitening treatments as well.

Breathe Through The Nose

When you’re outdoors in the winter, try to breathe through the nose to avoid bursts of cold air and wind hitting your teeth directly. As mentioned previously, rapid changes of temperature can cause tiny cracks in the teeth, which increase tooth sensitivity.

Remember to come in for your check-up at least once every six months. Your favorite dentist can help you with tooth sensitivity and get to the root of the issue before it gets worse. Call today to schedule your appointment: 718.998.2424. Our office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY.

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