2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

The 10 Most Surprising Dental Facts

If you are an avid reader of our blog, you may know some of these interesting facts already. However, most of you will still be somewhat surprised, amused, or plain bewildered to learn these. Here I’ve compiled the 10 Most Surprising Dental Facts for my dear patients and readers.

  1. Brushing your teeth for just 10 more seconds every day could make a big difference. On average, Americans brush their teeth for 1 minute 52 seconds. The American Dental Association recommends people brush for 2 minutes at least twice a day.
  2. Only 4 in 10 Americans floss their teeth at least once a day.

Meanwhile, flossing is just as crucial as brushing for fighting tooth decay and gum disease. Let’s make America smile brighter by brushing and flossing every day.

  1. Dental plaque can produce 300 types of bacteria in your mouth.

Plaque contains millions of bacteria, made up of about 300 different species.

  1. Prior to 1960, it was a common belief that toothaches were caused by a worm

For thousands of years, people believed that the worm lived in your tooth or gums, and it was the cause of the pain. If the pain subsided, it was thought to be because the worm was simply resting. Advancements in dental medicine have proved that tooth worms aren’t real.

  1. Saliva actually repairs teeth.

Saliva sweeps away small bits of food and neutralizes acids in the mouth, thereby repairing tooth enamel and preventing acid damages. Saliva repairs the tooth’s protective surface in a process called remineralization.

  1. The CDC found that 96 percent of American adults have experienced tooth decay.

By the age of 65, 96 percent of Americans have had cavities at some point. That’s almost everyone!

  1. Gum disease can trigger heart disease.

Gum disease may increase the risk of heart disease because inflammation in the gums and bacteria may lead to narrowing of the arteries.

  1. When you flush your toilet, the particles can settle on your toothbrush!

It’s true. Airborne particles can make their way to your toothbrush bristles. That’s why it’s important to keep your toothbrush at least 6 feet away from the toilet.

  1. A toothpick is the enemy!

A toothpick is one of the most choked on items. It is also one of the most damaging objects to the gums and the teeth. Therefore, we all could benefit from replacing the toothpick with floss.

  1. The farmer in Grant Wood’s famous painting “American Gothic” is actually his dentist!

Here’s a fun one. Grant Wood was seeking a model for the painting, and he decided to ask a favor of his dentist, at that time 62-year-old Byron McKeeby. The woman in the famous painting is the artist’s sister Nan.

I am Dr. Slepak, your very favorite dentist. I hope you found these facts interesting. Call today to schedule an appointment: 718.998.2424. My office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn NY.

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