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What happens if your child’s adult teeth come in behind her baby teeth?

If you find your child’s permanent teeth are coming in before her baby teeth have fallen out, don’t panic. According to Dr. Yury Slepak, a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist with Brooklyn Pediatric Dentistry, this is common, about 10% of children experience it, and it will usually take care of itself.

Why do the permanent teeth come in before the baby teeth have fallen out?

Usually, the permanent teeth push up under the baby teeth, causing the roots of the baby teeth to dissolve and without a root, the baby teeth fall out. Occasionally, however, the permanent teeth miss the baby teeth and push up behind them. This phenomenon causes crowding and creates a look very much like shark teeth. Most of the time the baby tooth’s root dissolves on its own and the baby tooth falls out, making room for the permanent tooth.

When should you seek dental help?

If the baby tooth does not fall out within a few weeks of the permanent tooth’s eruption, you should consult with your pediatric dentist. He may decide to remove the baby teeth to make room for the permanent ones. Otherwise, crowding can cause the permanent tooth to grow in crooked.

As with any issues you may have regarding your child’s dental health, consult with your pediatric dentist and share your concerns.

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