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Tooth Trauma: When Does My Child Need Emergency Pediatric Dentistry?

When your child falls or hits his or her mouth against something, it can cause serious problems, including tooth loss and problems with incoming permanent teeth. In some situations, emergency pediatric dentistry is necessary to avoid potential long-term problems.

In serious falls or bumps, your child may need to see a doctor first before going to the dentist. A physician can thoroughly examine your child’s mouth, gums, and face. If the trauma only involves a tooth, head to the pediatric dentist.

Problems with Baby Teeth After an Accident

If a baby tooth is knocked loose after an accident, you should call your pediatric dentist to determine what you should do. You child may need to eat a soft diet to allow the tooth to re-implant back into the jawbone. He might also suggest an x-ray to see the extent of the damage. An x-ray will help determine whether there was any nerve damage or if a permanent tooth has been affected.

If the baby tooth has been completely knocked out, you may not need to do anything. Your child may have a lisp for a few weeks and their eating abilities may be slightly altered, but losing a baby tooth will likely not cause any permanent damage.

Permanent Teeth Problems After an Accident

If your child loses a permanent tooth, you should call for an emergency kid’s dentist appointment right away. You may be able to have the tooth re-implanted if you can get to the dentist within half an hour. Be sure to find and keep the tooth, run water over it to clean off any debris, and keep the tooth moist. Do not scrub the tooth because that can damage the root cells that are necessary to re-implant the tooth.

You can put the tooth in between your child’s cheek and gums if your child is old enough not to accidentally swallow the tooth. Otherwise, put the tooth in gauze and soak the gauze in milk, tap water, or salt water. Take the tooth immediately to the pediatric dentist.

Board Certified Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Yury Slepak can help with your child’s dental emergency, but you need to act quickly. Call for an appointment or for emergency services.

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