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Silver Diamine Fluoride: Is It Safe for Your Children

Children are very prone to cavities. Every parent knows the challenge of getting them to brush before bed and maintain good oral hygiene. It doesn’t always go smooth like clockwork. In fact, children can be very negligent and as a result, they can often develop tooth cavities.

Now, removing a decaying tooth is the best option there is. If you look for a reliable pediatric dentist in Brooklyn or any clinic offering pediatric dentistry in NYC, they’ll recommend the same. However, in many cases, children cannot have their decaying tooth extracted. But the growing cavity must be seen to since it may spread to the adjacent teeth as well. Here silver diamine fluoride is a very good option.

What is SDF?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a novel way to arrest tooth decay and delay their imminent need for extraction. It is a substance which has been used for treating decaying teeth across the world for decades. SDF was approved for medical use by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2014 and has become popular with kids dentists.

The reason SDF has come to prominence is simple. It is a minimally invasive and relatively effective method of treating cavities. While it does not cure cavities themselves, by arresting the rate of decay, it provides more time to patients. This can be helpful if the child is too young and an anesthesiologist does not think giving them anesthesia will be safe.

SDF can also be used in cases where children are particularly anxious about having their teeth drilled into or extracted. If any children have special needs then SDF is usually the preferred method. Even the best kids dentists in Brooklyn would struggle to help children with special needs. SDF allows them to temporarily address the problem and also build a friendly rapport with the child. So, addressing the problem, later on, is much easier for them.

Are There Any Side Effects from SDF?

SDF has been approved for use in medical fields by the D|FDA in 2014. There are virtually no side effects of the substance. The only problem that some people might have with SDF is that it can turn the applied area of the tooth brown or black. This does not happen to the entire tooth SDF is used on. Only the specific part of the tooth where it is applied will change color.

The brown and blackish coloring is mostly not a problem since the cavity would turn the tooth black anyway. Further, the patient can get a teeth whitening cosmetic restoration done afterward if their tooth is not extracted. Other than this, there is no other side effect associated with SDF.

Another pediatric dentistry specialist, Dr. MacLean said, “Many people commonly assume the blackening will turn parents off from the treatment. However, this is not true since many parents recognize the value it brings to the table. By allowing us doctors to treat children with them causing a fuss, it makes for a proper procedure for everyone.”

Should You Go for SDF?

From all the scientific literature and expert opinion, it is clear that SDF has a lot of benefits to offer. If your child is uncooperative or your kids’ dentist recommends SDF, then you can go for it without needing to think twice. Do read up on the very few conditions which prevent SDF use like silver allergy and certain gum conditions before deciding.

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