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Natural Looking Teeth With White Zirconia Crowns For Children

When you find out that your kid needs dental restorative care, it is logical that you look for the best kids dentist in Brooklyn. For your child’s severe dental cavities, getting pediatric dental crowns is your best option. However, with the commonly used stainless steel crowns, it will be obvious to others that your child has undergone a dental procedure. Not to mention, the silver addition to their teeth look a bit off-putting to some kids. 

Earlier crown options for your child’s dental restorative care included stainless steel (silver crowns) and pre-veneered stainless steel crowns. The former are durable, strong, and used mostly for molars, whereas the latter may have a metal surface with a white facing to make them look more natural. Usually, these are used on the teeth which are more prominently visible, but still, you could sometimes see the stainless steel near the gum line. 

There is another option too- bonded resin composite strip, these crowns are more aesthetic and natural-looking, but they tend to discolor with time and it also takes a long time in performing the technique, especially for small children. 

Fortunately, Pediatric Dentistry NYC has come a long way in recent times. 

Zirconia Crowns

White Zirconia crowns for children are the best alternatives for stainless steel dental crowns. This biocompatible material has been in use by dentists for many high-end dental cosmetic restoration procedures in adults. With their exceptional success in aesthetic restorations, dentists have been using them for children since 2010, rather than extracting their severely damaged teeth. 

However, Zirconia crowns may not be recommended in cases of significant crowding,  space loss, children with a habit of teeth grinding (heavy bruxism) and only less tooth structure is remaining.

Why Prefer Zirconia Crowns 

Zirconia is a highly durable material which has been in use for decades in hip replacement surgeries. They are now being extensively used to restore damaged, chipped, or broken primary teeth.  

And now with their add value to aesthetic restoration, you can get your child dental crowns that look natural. Zirconia crowns by Dr.Yury Slepak are white in color and blend in with all the other teeth. This is especially useful when restoring your child’s front teeth and any dental crown you choose will show prominently. 

Restore Teeth With Zirconia Crowns

Since our Zirconia crowns are translucent and natural looking, they maximize aesthetics and give a mirror-like quality and a satin finish on the lingual, margins and the facial. At the same time, they minimize wear at occlusal contacts.

They offer more durability than natural enamel and have a higher flexural strength rating compared to any other pediatric crown. Hence, even with time, you will not find any chipping, discoloration, or breakdown in the crowns. 

Zirconia crowns are prefabricated, which means that instead of going to the dentist twice- first time to get the temporary crown and second time for a permanent crown, you can get the crowns placed in a single visit. Your child’s pediatric dentist in Brooklyn will prepare the damaged teeth in an easy process and cement the Zirconia crowns in place. That means your child gets to spend very less time in the chair. 

Cement-like Resin, RMGI (Resin-modified glass ionomer), or Bioactive RMGI are used to put the crowns in place, and hence they are completely metal free. They also reduce the plaque buildup in the teeth, at the margins.

Zirconia Dental Crowns Pediatric Dentistry NYC

With Zirconia Dental Crowns By Pediatric Dentistry NYC, there is no need to worry about your child’s dental restoration. Our highly aesthetic Zirconia crowns look as close to your child’s real teeth as it is possible, without the ‘dark stump’ dentin showing through. 

Our white Zirconia pediatric crowns are autoclavable and employ the best sintering process to give you the following benefits:

Aesthetically superior

Natural looking and translucent

Metal-free crowns

More flexural strength

Unmatched aesthetics

Resistant to plaque buildup at the margins


Higher durability than natural enamel

Slim facials and thin walls

Lesser time to perform

Placed in an easier technique 

Fitted in a single visit

Contact Pediiatric Dentistry NYC Today

If your child has dental decay, damage, or dental developmental problems, you might be filled with unease. But be rest assured, there are many options available to make your child’s smile look as natural and healthy as you can. Contact Dr.Yury Slepak, the best pediatric dentist in Brooklyn, and get aesthetically pleasing white metal-free Zirconia crowns and boost your child’s confidence. 

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