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Long-term Effects of Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use on Teeth

Thumbing sucking and the use of a pacifier can be both a curse and a blessing for most parents. Children use this natural reflex to soothe themselves or fall asleep as well as to help them learn about the world around them. However, thumb sucking could be a nightmare for your child’s teeth. Your child’s dentist may suggest some tips that can help break the habit of thumb sucking.

Pacifiers and thumb sucking can affect a child’s teeth negativity

Normally, for small children, thumb sucking or the use of a pacifier does not affect the long-term alinement or growth of their teeth; the trouble sets in after the appearance of their permanent teeth. Children who suck their thumb can change the structure of the roof of their mouths or their bite patterns, especially those who are forceful thumb suckers.

Known problems that could happen to your child’s teeth include having permanent teeth pushed forward in the child’s mouth as well as restricting the permanent teeth from fully erupting to the surface. Over time thumb sucking may also get in the way of correctly learning speech.

Breaking the Habit

Typically, children are able to break the habit of thumb sucking or pacifier use on their own. Pacifiers are, on average, an easier habit to break verses the child sucking on their thumb. When they are comfortable, children will stop between the ages of two and four years old, this is the perfect time as their permanent teeth will erupt just a few years after.

If you are noticing changes in your child’s primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, then you may need to encourage your child to stop thumb sucking or using a pacifier earlier than anticipated. During regular check-ups, your child’s dentist may offer some guidance on whether your child needs to stop thumb sucking.

Encouraging Your Child to Stop

A Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Yury Slepak, DDS may have more tips to best fit your child’s needs, but below are some common tips to help you and your child ease out of the thumb sucking habit.

  • When your child is not sucking their thumb, or using their pacifier then praise them.
  • A reward system that is specifically targeted to what motivates your child.
  • If your child is older and in need of breaking the habit then involve them in the decision process of stopping to suck their thumb, such as what type of reward they would like for a day without sucking their thumb and consistently make the time frame longer.
  • Show the child the effects of thumb sucking with either photos or videos
  • Over the counter products or even bandages. For any product that is designed to go in the child’s mouth, consult with your child’s dentist to ensure that it is safe for their teeth. Bandages and wraps can help remind your child about their need to stop thumb sucking.
  • Your pediatric dentist could offer suggestions if a bitter medication to coat the thumb will support your child to stop thumb sucking.

Call our office at 718-998-2424 to schedule your appointment with a Yury Slepak, DDS to receive some professional guidance on your child’s thumb sucking habit.

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