2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month!

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Therefore, I am using this month as an opportunity to educate my dear patients on oral health. As your very favorite dentist, I want to promote good dental hygiene habits that support healthy smiles for a lifetime!

According to the CDC, 20% (or 1 in every 5 children) aged 5 to 11 years old have at least one untreated cavity! That’s about 5 children in every classroom who have untreated tooth decay.

Now, often my patients ask me: why do I need a filling if my baby teeth are going to fall out anyway?

Here’s why it’s important to take care of your oral health when you have baby teeth:

Baby teeth may be small, but they are so important in preparing the mouth for a beautiful set of permanent teeth. The primary teeth save space for the adult teeth and guide them into their proper position. If you lose your baby tooth early due to tooth decay, that tooth’s neighbor teeth might drift or tip into that space. Therefore, when it’s time for the permanent tooth to come out, it can have trouble due to being blocked or having less room.

Since baby teeth are so small, it’s important to treat them right away. Because of the small size of the tooth, if you develop a cavity, it can spread quickly through the thin enamel and an infection or abscess can develop. Not only is that painful, but it can also hinder the permanent tooth underneath.

Having strong and healthy teeth is so important to help you live a good life! Major functions like chewing, speaking, and sleeping quality are directly affected. And studies show that people with beautiful smiles are more likely to have more friends and be more socially accepted. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Decayed teeth can interfere with a child’s social interactions and affect their confidence and self-esteem. Baby teeth are in our mouths for about 8 to 10 years—so let’s take care of them together!

How to Talk to Your Child About the Dentist

As your favorite pediatric dentist, I always strive to provide a happy and pain-free experience based on the needs of each individual child. However, how you talk to your child at home is very important. Make sure to never talk to children about any pain at the dental office. Avoid words like pain, drill, shot, etc. If a child asks what to expect from their dentist appointment, you can tell him/her that their favorite dentist, Dr. Slepak is going to take pictures of their teeth, count them, and brush them, just like they do. Tell them it’s going to be lots of fun and we’re going to be great friends.

I am Dr. Yury Slepak, and I am known as the best kids dentist in Brooklyn. I look forward to welcoming you and your kids to my office, and I guarantee a very pleasant experience. Call today to schedule your appointment: 718.998.2424. Our office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY. I look forward to seeing you!

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