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How often should my child brush their teeth?

Tooth brushing is the number one way to prevent cavities and improve dental health at home. It is important that you brush your child’s teeth on a regular basis to avoid plaque buildup. It is also important to establish a schedule so that your child knows when to brush. This will help them develop good habits for the future.

You should clean your child’s teeth as soon as they begin to break through at around a year old, with a damp washcloth. At around the age of three you can begin using toothpaste. You should only use a pea size amount of toothpaste. Also make sure that you are using a child appropriate toothbrush.

Up until the age of 5, you should help your child brush their teeth. They are not going to be able to brush them as effectively as you can. If they don’t brush correctly without assistance, the tooth brushing will not be as effective and cavities could develop.

Your child should brush their teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. This should be done every day without fail for good dental hygiene. Brushing should take about two minutes. Special care should be given to the back teeth that are used for chewing.

To make sure your child is brushing for the appropriate amount of time, try getting an egg timer. You can also purchase toothbrushes that play music for two minutes while they are brushing. Some of these toothbrushes even prevent playing the music unless the correct amount of pressure is being applied with the brush, which teaches your child appropriate brushing technique.

Your child may need to brush more than twice per day in some situations. For example, if your child eats a particularly sticky candy bar or some caramels, they should brush after finishing the snack. If sugary foods are left stuck to the teeth for an entire day, it can cause wear on the tooth and a cavity could begin to form. This is especially true if your child eats these foods regularly.

You can also prevent additional brushings by having your child drink water after enjoying a sugary drink or candy. This will help rinse the sugar away from the teeth, and you can wait until bedtime for the brushing.

Be careful that you do not brush your child’s teeth too frequently. Too frequent brushing of the teeth can wear away the enamel on the teeth, leaving your child at risk for cavities and tooth decay. Do not allow your child to overbrush, or brush too often. This can sometimes be tricky, because some children love to brush their teeth. You may need to keep the toothbrush out of reach.

If you have any questions about how your child should brush their teeth, or when it is appropriate, simply ask for help at your child’s next dentist appointment. Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Yury Slepak  will be more than happy to demonstrate appropriate brushing so that you can make sure your child remains healthy. We can also provide toothbrushes and advise on appropriate toothpaste.

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