2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223


So much of childhood centers around the joy of holidays and celebrating them with friends and family. Halloween begins the holiday season for many families and children are excited to participate. Whether it is dressing in costume or trick-or-treating, having a fun filled Halloween is a must for many children, and where there’s fun, there’s often candy.

While every child enjoys getting the sugary delights on Halloween, sugar feeds bacteria that produces acid, which eats away at a child’s tooth enamel. Parents can help protect their little one’s teeth by limiting the amount of candy the child is allowed to have and practicing proper dental hygiene from a very early age. Children under the age of eight should be monitored when they brush their teeth to be sure they are doing it properly, but even older children can benefit from a little parental prompting now and again.

According to Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Dr. Yury Slepak, if your little one is going to indulge in eating candy for Halloween or any other time of the year, be sure to follow these steps:

Floss before brushing their teeth. Even small children can be taught how to floss properly. Flossing before brushing removes food caught between the teeth, enabling the fluoride in toothpaste to get between the teeth where cavities often begin.

Monitor proper brushing techniques. Make sure your little ones are holding their toothbrush correctly and are brushing for an appropriate amount of time. Two minutes is a good length of time for young children.

Brush regularly. Brushing at least two to three times a day is optimal for proper dental hygiene. Brushing after eating sugary snacks is important to eliminate bacteria.

Visit their pediatric dentist on a regular basis. Make sure your little ones begin visiting their pediatric dentist every six months. This allows the dentist to monitor your child’s tooth health and also to head off any problems that might crop up.

Everyone enjoys a sugary snack once in a while, especially around Halloween, but limiting the amount of sugar your child eats and encouraging proper dental care will be something that will last him or her a lifetime. Happy Halloween!

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