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Can a Child Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a severe infection of the gums that can damage the gums and eventually destroy the jawbone. It affects an estimated 50 percent of all adults in the United States. Because it is a condition that develops over time, it is generally not seen in children. However, children can have gingivitis, which is a milder form of gum disease. If you do not see a kid’s dentist about your child’s gingivitis, then it can develop into severe gum disease over time.

How Does Gum Disease Develop?

If you allow food debris and bacteria to build up in your child’s mouth, it will form a sticky film called plaque. The plaque will harden over time, forming tartar. This process continues, and the gums will become swollen and red. It can even result in losing teeth because it weakens the gums. While children normally do not develop gum disease to this point, they may develop a milder form. Seeing a pediatric dentist in Brooklyn can help your child avoid the pain and potential long-term problems associated with early forms of gum disease.

Signs You Should See a Kid’s Dentist

Your child should have regular appointments with a pediatric dentist. However, if you notice certain symptoms that indicate gum disease or gingivitis, it may be time to visit the dentist again. These symptoms can include:

Red or swollen gums

Frequent bleeding gums (during brushing or any other time)

Gum recession (gums have moved lower, away from the teeth)

Persistent bad breath

Loose permanent teeth

Pockets of plaque around a tooth

Perhaps your child is not brushing as often or as well as they should. Visiting with a pediatric dentist can help clear up those types of problems, so your child develops good long-term oral hygiene habits.

Teenagers are more likely to develop gum disease compared to children. The rise in hormones increases the blood flow to the gums, which can make them more sensitive. This is important to keep in mind as your child grows. Good oral hygiene is important at every stage! Set up an appointment with Dr.Yury Slepak for more information.

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