2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

5 Surprising Benefits of Flossing

When I ask my new patients about their flossing habits, most seem to consider flossing optional. “I do it when I remember or have time” is a common reply. Contrary to popular belief, flossing is not optional. It is very important. If you’re brushing diligently twice a day, kudos to you. However, if you fail to floss in addition, it is like washing the outside of your drinking glass but neglecting the inside walls. Flossing and brushing are complementary to each other, and by doing both you can achieve optimal results when it comes to at-home preventative oral care.

Here are five reasons that you should floss your teeth thoroughly every day.

1. Flossing Helps Prevent Gum Infections And Cavities

While brushing is needed to clean the surface of the teeth, flossing helps clean out the gaps between the teeth. That is where most bacteria reside. Flossing helps to remove food debris and bacteria from the areas that brushing cannot access, therefore reducing plaque buildup. When plaque is left unremoved, it can harden into tartar. Even if you brush well everyday, without flossing, your teeth will appear more yellow, and plaque buildup can lead to cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Plaque slowly eats away and erodes your soft gum tissue, which causes what is known as periodontal disease. That can result in extreme decay and root canal issues. Daily flossing will help to remove plaque from between your teeth, prevent tartar formation at the gum line, and help you avoid infections and cavities.

2. Flossing Helps Prevent And Improve Bad Breath

Bad breath arises from the interaction of bacteria in the mouth with residual food particles. When you floss, you disrupt the growth of bacteria between the teeth, stimulate blood flow to the gums, and knock loose any particles stuck between the teeth. All of these give you fresher, cleaner breath. If you have bad breath and you begin flossing regularly, you will typically note improvements in your breath in as little as a week.

3. Flossing Helps Control Diabetes

Most people are shocked to hear that flossing and diabetes are related in any way. However, everything in the body is connected, and it’s true: flossing can both help prevent and control diabetes in adults and children alike!

Bacteria in the mouth can affect the glucose levels of your blood. The bacteria can collect in the gum and then travel into the body’s circulation, which might impair blood sugar control.

4. Flossing Helps Prevent Heart Disease

Without regular flossing, you might notice that your gums bleed, which is a sign of gingivitis. One of the problems associated with this is that it allows bacteria to enter your bloodstream and attack your organs. Eventually, this can result in heart disease or blood clots.

5. Flossing Helps Prevent Lung Disease

Researchers suspect that oral pathogens may increase one’s risk of developing respiratory disease. By brushing and flossing every day, you may actually be able to prevent or diminish the progression of debilitating, scary diseases such as pneumonia and COPD.

Take the time to brush and floss thoroughly every day. Don’t rush through these activities, but really try to attend to every tooth and every gap. You will see the benefits in no time, I promise.

I am Dr. Yury Slepak. I am known as the best pediatric dentist in Brooklyn. I hope I’ve inspired you to floss. And I hope to see you soon so we can go over proper flossing methods or address any concerns that you may have. Call today to schedule your appointment: 718.998.2424. Our office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY.

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