2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

10 Foods And Drinks That Whiten Your Teeth

Do you know what’s the first thing people notice about you? One of the very first things people notice and remember is your smile. Your smile, or your teeth, play a huge part in other people’s lasting first impression. Your smile is the most impactful part of your appearance, which, believe it or not, affects all your friendships and relationships quite a bit.

As your favorite dentist, I’d like to help you have that perfect smile, which, of course, starts with beautiful white teeth! Keeping your teeth nice and white means brushing diligently twice every day, coming in for cleanings and check-ups at least once every 6 months, and consuming healthy foods and drinks that brighten and whiten your teeth.

Here are 10 foods and drinks that naturally whiten your teeth:


Strawberries contain an enzyme called malic acid, which works to whiten teeth. Strawberries break away the harmful particles that create stains on your teeth. Strawberries also have tons of other health benefits, so eat them often. For a special whitening effect, crush one strawberry, add ½ a teaspoon of baking soda, mix well, dip your toothbrush into the mixture, and coat your teeth with it. Leave on for about 5 minutes before brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste.


It takes some effort to eat an apple. It can be hard and crunchy. However, that loud crunch you hear when you bite into an apple actually helps to strengthen your gums as well as scrub your teeth. Also, the fruit’s high water content increases saliva production, which acts as the mouth’s self-cleaning agent.


The high iron levels in broccoli protect your tooth enamel and remove harmful bacteria and stains. For best results, eat broccoli raw. The coarse florets act as a toothbrush, scrubbing your teeth as you eat.


This is another crunchy food that acts as a natural stain remover by increasing saliva production and scrubbing your teeth. It also may kill bacteria that causes bad breath.

Nuts (Walnuts, Cashews, Almonds)

Many nuts contain calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. They can also make your teeth whiter by buffing away discoloration from the surface of your teeth.

Seeds (Sunflower and Sesame Seeds)

Sunflower seeds can help exfoliate stains and whiten your teeth. Sesame seeds are good for “scrubbing” plaque off your teeth. They also contain calcium, which strengthens teeth.

Milk and Cheese

Milk and hard cheese are full of calcium, which strengthens teeth and gums. Casein, a milk protein found in cheese, has been shown to reduce the loss of minerals from tooth enamel. Lactic acid helps in dissolving stains. It also strengthens the enamel.


Oranges, and especially orange peel, are great for whitening. Rub the white inside part of the orange peel on your teeth for a great brightening and whitening effect.


This sweet and delicious fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which is a natural stain remover. It also helps break up plaque.


Staying hydrated is important for your pearly whites. Make sure to drink water rather than sparkling water or soda, which can erode the tooth enamel and give you cavities. Water helps wash away stains, so drink plenty of water every day and rinse your mouth after every meal.

I am Dr. Yury Slepak, and I am known as the best kids dentist in Brooklyn. Call today to schedule your appointment: 718.998.2424. Our office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY. I look forward to seeing you!

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