Why does my child need dental x-rays?
Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Yury Slepak of the Brooklyn Pediatric Dentists recommends regular x-rays for pediatric dental patients because it is impossible to visually see all of the changes that might be happening in your child’s mouth. Regular dental x-rays will help stop problems before they become huge issues.
There are two types of x-rays your child’s dentist may recommend. Bitewing x-rays are used for the back teeth, located in an area that is particularly hard for the dentist to see. The second type of x-ray are panoramic. These are taken four times during your child’s development to check for abnormalities in her jaw, sinuses, developing teeth and joints. Getting these important x-rays will help insure that your child is developing normally or to prevent problems from becoming more difficult to correct.
Many parents worry about exposing their child to dangerous radiation. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the amount of radiation your child receives during a dental x-ray is extremely small. Lead body aprons and shields will also help protect your child.
Ultimately, getting regularly scheduled periodic x-rays are essential to ensuring your child receives the best care for her teeth. If you have any concerns or questions, you should discuss them with your child’s dentist at her regularly scheduled dental visit.