2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223

Overcoming Dental Anxiety in Children

Many kids are afraid of going to a dentist. More often than not, it has to do with influences of the media or peers, or previous bad experiences at the dentist’s office, that lead to associating the dentist with pain and lack of control.

Many dentists create unnecessary anxiety in patients because they assume that all patients have similar pain thresholds and will handle dental procedures in the same way. I am known as the best dentist for kids because not only are my procedures pain-free and effective, but kids also have a great time in my office.

I am professionally trained to handle kids with dental anxiety. That means that I’ll do everything I can to make your child feel at ease by creating a friendly and nonthreatening environment. However, there are a few things that you, as a parent, can do to help your child overcome dental anxiety.

1. Talk Positively To Your Child

Don’t ever tell them about negative experiences that you might have had at the dentist. Kids are more impressionable than we realize. Telling them about a bad experience you might have had can leave a mark for a very long time.

Avoid words like “hurt,” “shots,” or “painful.” Even prefacing these words with “only a little” is not going to help your child with their dental phobia.

However, do tell your child in advance about their upcoming dental appointment. Talk to them about the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Verbally paint a picture for them of how great they’ll feel afterwards and how shiny and pretty their teeth will be. Use simple, positive words to explain that the dentist is a friendly doctor who helps take care of their teeth. The dentist will protect them from potentially painful problems like cavities.

2. Bring Their Favorite Toy

A toy can be a helpful and calming distraction for your child before and during the visit. You can let them play while in the waiting room as they adjust to the new environment. Though not all toys are suitable for the dental chair, your child may be able to have small simple toys during the actual procedure.

3.  Remain Calm

It can be very difficult to remain calm when/if your child is having a tantrum. Children pick up on your tone and general demeanor. If you are soothing and calm, that will speak volumes to your child.

4. Be Honest With Your Dentist

When making your appointment and during the visit, tell our staff about your child’s fear and anything particular that you think might help them. I am trained to treat children with fear. However, since every child is different, knowing more about your child will help me put them at ease.

5. Reward Your Child’s Good Behavior

If your child behaved well at the dental office, reward them right away! The way you respond right after reinforces the positive behavior and builds new positive associations. Praise them! Tell them “good job!,” give a high five, a hug, and tell them how proud you are of them for facing their fear. Give a lot of verbal and emotional encouragement. Follow up with a nice fun activity together or a small treat to make them feel wonderful.

I am Dr. Yury Slepak, and I am known as the best kids dentist in Brooklyn. Call today to schedule your appointment: 718.998.2424. Our office is located at 2464 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY. I look forward to seeing you!

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