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Make Brushing Your Teeth Fun for Your Child

Teaching your child good brushing habits young can set them up for a lifetime of good dental hygiene. However, children often see brushing their teeth as a chore, making developing healthy habits difficult. Making cleaning your child’s teeth fun is a great way to avoid painful and costly cavities. Pediatric dentists must often think up creative ways to make brushing your child’s teeth fun. Use some of the tactics we use at home to encourage brushing.

Allow children to practice brushing someone else’s teeth.

Although you may not like the idea of your child brushing your teeth, it can be an effective way for children to learn. Make it fun and encourage proper brushing behavior. You could also try allowing your child to brush the teeth of a stuffed animal or doll as well. Pediatric dentists often use this trick to show proper brushing techniques.

Make a game out of brushing their teeth.

Create a story that goes along with brushing your child’s teeth. For example, you could explain that sugar bugs are trying to get your child’s teeth and the only way to stop them is to brush their teeth properly. Pretending that your child is a superhero defending his or her mouth can be a fun and exciting way to brush your teeth. Just be sure you do not scare your child into thinking there are real bugs in his or her mouth! If you need other story ideas, Dr. Yury Slepak would be happy to make some suggestions.

Brush to a favorite song or dance.

Brushing to a song can be a great way to be sure that children brush for as long as they are supposed to—and have fun while doing it! You can create a tooth brushing dance with your child that he or she can look forward to every morning and night.

Kids’ dentists have all kinds of creative ways to get your child brushing. Give us a call to schedule a checkup, and we can share some our tips with you.

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