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How Do I Know if My Child Is Getting Enough Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in water, soil, and some foods. It helps fight tooth decay by providing a barrier on the teeth from bacteria and sugars in food and drinks. It can also repair early stages of tooth decay, even before they are visible. Pediatric dentists regularly recommend that children be exposed to fluoride to reduce the occurrence of cavities. Of course, fluoride treatment alone will not prevent cavities, but it can significantly decrease the likelihood that they will develop.

How Do Children Get Fluoride?

Fluoride is naturally found in water. In nearly three-fourths of the homes in the United States, fluoride is added to tap water because of its benefits to oral health. Most toothpaste and mouthwashes have fluoride in them as well. Some schools will also incorporate a fluoride program, particularly for younger children. In addition, pediatric dentists can also apply fluoride directly to the teeth at a regular appointment.

Is My Child Getting Enough Fluoride?

You should be sure that your child is using toothpaste that incorporates fluoride. Drinking tap water is also a good way to increase fluoride intake. However, if your child regularly drinks bottled water, he or she may not be getting as much fluoride as they should. Your pediatric dentist can evaluate the fluoride levels in your child’s drinking water to determine whether it has the right levels and whether you need to take extra steps to ensure that your child gets enough fluoride.

How Can I Increase Fluoride Intake?

Be sure to encourage drinking tap water, if possible. Fluoride supplements are available if necessary. These supplements come in the form of tablets, lozenges, or drops. They are usually provided to children who are between ages six and 16, who have low Fluoride exposure and have a higher risk of tooth decay or cavity development. They may even be prescribed over a period of several years based on fluoride exposure. Your Brooklyn kids’ dentist will be able to help you determine the right dosage and provide a prescription for these supplements.

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