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White Zirconia Dental Crowns

White Zirconia Dental Crowns: The Best Crown Alternative in Pediatric Dentistry

Dealing with cavities, decay, chips, cracks, and other damage in your little ones’ teeth is hard enough, but choosing the right crown option can be a big decision for a parent. Growing up, many of us would get a stainless-steel crown – or more simply, a silver tooth. Advancements in dental technology have now allowed for seamlessly natural-looking alternatives, like the white zirconia dental crown or porcelain crown – thus making the crown blend in perfectly with your child’s set of pearly whites. Though very similar to the porcelain crown option, the white zirconia is more durable, long-lasting, and not as prone to cracking or breaking if your child bites down on something hard.

What is Zirconia and when did it enter the dental field?

This newer ceramic-like material that looks much more natural yet has the strength and durability of a metal material. Because of its more resistant composition and its real look, it is becoming increasingly popular for a wide variety of dental repair needs.

Though white zirconia crowns have been tested out in adult dentistry for over 20 years, the advancement was not immediately suggested for use in pediatric dentistry. Since first becoming available to children around 2010, white zirconia crowns have become the top option for tooth restoration in dentistry – both in adults and children.

What are the benefits of choosing Zirconia Dental Crowns?

It is a strong material. As mentioned above, it is an extremely durable material and is less likely to break or need to be repaired as compared to the alternative options.
It can be very closely matched to the color of existing teeth. Not everyone has perfectly white teeth, so this allows the zirconia tooth to blend in and look like it has always been there.
It is shapeable. It has the ability to be reshaped and modified while your child is in the dentist office, thus saving time and money. A one-stop tooth shop!
It is safe for implantation. The zirconia crown is biocompatible, meaning it is not harmful to living tissue and should not be rejected by the human body. The rate of success in implantation is over 98%.

The natural appearance of the zirconia crown is by far the biggest reason parents choose this alternative for their child. In conjunction with the other advantages listed above, the decision is truly a no-brainer.

What are the alternative options to the White Zirconia Dental Crown?

Even though the zirconia crown is most highly recommended for the aforementioned benefits, many still like to weigh the options they have for their children. If white zirconia is not for your child, then you can choose one of the alternative crowning methods below:

Bonded Resin Composite Strip Crown: This composite resin material has an aesthetically appealing look to it. However, the length of the procedure for this option is typically much too long for children and thus is often advised against for pediatric dentistry use.
EZ-Pedo All-Ceramic Zirconia Crowns: These ceramic crowns are highly natural-looking and are also very durable. Made of zirconia (zirconium dioxide) and glazed with natural color, this crowning option is often recommended for children.
Pre-veneered Stainless-Steel Crowns: Though these are technically stainless-steel crowns, they have a white facing fixed to the surface of them to help them look more natural. If the crown will be more visible, this option is occasionally chosen. Unfortunately, the stainless-steel base often shows at the gum line, making it more obvious that the tooth has in fact been repaired. With the constant growing and shifting of a child’s mouth and teeth, this may not be the best option for a child.
Stainless Steel Crowns (Silver Crowns): If your child’s crown will be hidden at the back of the mouth for molars, the durable stainless-steel option may be a good option.

Are there instances when White Zirconia may NOT be the best option?

While we would highly recommend White Zirconia Dental Crowns for most pediatric dental scenarios, there are occasional circumstances that would make the White Zirconia option less than ideal. We would advise against this option if:

There is significant crowding in the mouth or loss of space. If that specific area is tight and not conducive to accommodating this type of crown.
The remaining tooth structure is minimal. It is hard to build off very little tooth structure. If that’s the case, then white zirconia would not be recommended.
The child suffers from teeth grinding issues. If the pediatric patient is prone to heavy bruxism then this option may not be the best bet.

Making decisions regarding your child’s best dental options is a heavy decision – especially when dealing with the anxiety and fear of dental decay, dental development issues, or other dental damage. Our hope is that you have been able to gain a great deal of insight into your options for your child’s dental needs. If you are in the Brooklyn, NY area and looking for your pediatric dentistry home, Dr. Yury Slepak, Board Certified Pediatric Dentist @PediatricDentistryNYC, would love to help guide you and keep your child’s smile healthy-